Monday, November 21, 2011


The writing process is quite the hurdle in filmmaking.  As far as my foundations of story class goes, it has not been easy to distinguish the different principles we studied.  For the most part, they all seem lumped together.  It would have been much more successful if lectures we also available online after class to read and review.  When it comes to our group projects we have been working on, I feel that we have made quite a bit of progress.  What I found most useful I suppose would be learning about the hero’s journey.  The hero’s journey is what our group focused on making right.  As much as we made progress and produced a story my criticism is that I feel that our story is unoriginal and feel like it has been done over and again.  I think there could have been ways for us to make it our own but that didn’t happen due to another criticism.  I truly believe we didn’t work together enough.  First, I think more time should have been allotted in class to work things out as a group, but also we didn’t meet enough outside of class.  This became difficult because of course we all have multiple classes we are taking as well as jobs and other activities.  Unfortunately, most of our finished work was done as pairs and groups of three and via email and our Facebook page.
            One of the main revisions I would like to see going forward is to change our story up a bit in order to make it a little more original, unique and our own.  I also think that names of our characters need to change because they are a little clichéd.   Overall, I don’t think there is very much more I can express without just harping.  The principles’ we have learned have also felt very little and lumped together to me because I took Short Script I before taking this class which feels like they should definitely be reversed.