Monday, August 29, 2011


Throughout a decent amount of my life thus far I have been a little overweight or chubby to say the least. It has always been a little bothersome, perhaps uncomfortable. I know now that I did not eat healthy whenever I wasn't home and was not into any physical activity. Just over two years ago my best friend decided to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Vegans are people who do not consume animal products or byproducts for food or material needs. My friend lost a lot of weight and became much healthier. So, I decided I would attempt to take a stab at it as well. It was a slow transition of cutting out more and more animal products over time. Finally, I was completely vegan and could state it. From then on I have had so many comments and questions about my choice and many times in a negative manner. They would even come from friends and family.

"How do you get your protein? What about all the other nutrients from animals?"
"Animals are for humans to eat, are they not?"
"You are missing out on life."
"What do you eat, lettuce?"
"If we stopped eating meat, the world would be overrun by animals."

This list is inexhaustible with more remarks about PETA, canine teeth, preachiness, and concern about plants. Hearing all of these comments started to irritate me. I briefly went vegetarian for a while and even ate meat off and on at certain places and occasions. I didn't understand why the lifestyle was mocked and poked fun at.

Then it hit me. I noticed that I thought the same things when my friend went vegan. I wasn't as critical about it as many people can be, but I did have some of the same thoughts and questions. I was uneducated and began to realize that many of the people around me are the same way about the subject of veganism.

From there, I went on to research all that I could about the lifestyle. I have watched various film clips, read a massive amount online and a few selections from books and magazines. Since then I have been trying to find ways of educating people about it without being preachy, if someone genuinely is curious I will let them in on hows, whys, and whats they want to know. In any case there are still individuals who don't care and just ask taunting questions which in that case they receive a similar answer. I have also tried applying it to art and as a blog. I am trying to find more and more ways to help people better understand the lifestyle as I continue my own search and discovery.

I thought that being a little overweight was difficult and embarrassing to deal with. I never thought that a diet that is healthy and makes someone happy could bring any kind of difficulties. Regardless, I have learned to not let anyone question what you believe in, until you know the truth and to just do what you want and some will follow while there will always be those who push away.